Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Speaking of which I have been reviewing my blog and I'm pretty sure it illustrates what I've been up to quite well. I really hope whoever marks it has a little gander at our group blog as well though since I posted stuff there that isn't on my personal blog. It also shows how good our group communication has been which I think is part of the marking criteria.
In any case I guess I will quickly recap the main things I have done on the project:
Concept work
Character Models
UV Mapping
In the past few weeks I have also been helping with rendering and composoting. I tried my hand at a little texturing but could not get the hang of it so it's not really important. All of the above things should be covered in my blog and also in my folders for hand in but I figured a quick list here for whoever be marking this would be helpful.
So onto my feelings regarding how the project has gone. I'll try and keep this short since I have a tendency to ramble on in these posts.
In regards to the film, I think it's great that we have a nearly completed film and will almost certainly finish it for the degree show however I think it shows that we have had to rush things out at the end. Dan mentioned something the other day about just having 10 shots that look amazing being better than a whole film that is rushed. I'm inclined to agree and it kind of bums me out that the film doesn't look as we thought it was going to at the start or even mid-way through the project. Still we have worked to a production pipeline and this is the first time that any of us have done this, so to meet the deadline is an achievment in itself. Despite not being as polished as we would have liked I think there is still a lot of good stuff in this film.
In regards to the group, I'm proud to have had the oppertunity to work with everyone in team Whack'd, they are talented, dedicated individuals and it has been my pleasure to work with them. I think that our communication has been pretty awesome, even with someone like myself who works from home a lot. Our team blog is a testament to this clocking in over 500 posts and shows constant progress updates for fellow team members. In particular though I think Dan S deserves a big shout out, he has had a finger in every pie throughout production, not to mention his work for the degree show and website. The mans a machine.
In regards to me, coming into this year I was not very confident in my own abilities. I almost left the course at the end of the 2nd year and was still unsure if I should be here. While I still think I have a long way to go, I think that I have grown a lot in this past year strengthening my 3D and drawn skills and learning a few new ones. In the end I'm glad I stayed on but now I'm ready to move on. Whether I make it into the industry or not hopefully I will be walking away from this course with a degree and proof to myself that I could do it. I also have a new found resolve to keep at my drawing since it can only get better.
Well I think that's the last of me on this here blog.
Increase the Peace.
Josh Cook.
Monday, 17 May 2010
Return to form
Ugh I can't even be bothered to type. I got dog stink all over me and I wanna go and wash it off.
I was away all weekend house sitting and looking after the dogs of some people while they were away which means I've been absent from blogging my usual amount since they don't have a wireless connection. Yadda Yadda, it was a hastle. However I did finish off two more shots since last I posted which brings me to the end of my animating career. Thank Christ. I think that was my last contracted task, so technically anything I do from here on is pro bono. Well actually it's all been pro bono...I shouldn't have signed that contract.
Still I wanna see this flipping film finished so from here on out I'm going to be setting up renders I think. I don't know how to sort out vanguard but I'll whizz in to college tomorrow to find the answer and thus will begin the tedium. I'm kind of in the mood for some monotonous work though. Just clicking a bunch of crap, not sketching something or getting the timing right on some animation.
On another note I got my bill for my studies at Ravensbourne over the weekend reminding me that I am 14 grand in debt, Huraay! In spite of that, I actually can't wait to be done with this course and education as a whole. It's sort of scary that I'm going to have to go and get a job but at the same time I just want to move on, regardless of what I end up doing I need a new chapter. I can't wait to see the back of Ravensbourne and I mean that in the nicest way possible :P
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Trying to remember to update stuff here since I get graded on it. Might have to do a big huge re-cap post to make sure that I cover everything I did. I forget if I posted everything I did or not. It seems trivial to have to prove what is already proven. hopefully the examiners will check our team blog because we've all been mega active on that. clocked over 500 posts I think lol.
Anyway, the above playblast is a shot I did yesterday. One of Spence's that I picked up. Turned out ok, just a quick close up. I already put it on the team blog but I figured I'd stick it up here as well. I have since moved on to the next shot on my list.
So far it's going a bit shit. Having some trouble with it but I shall perservere. Considering I initially wanted as little animation as possible I seem to have taken on quite a bit :/ them's the breaks I suppose. It fills my folders which is good, but at the same time I can't help but think that our film will suffer for having my pooptastic animation all over it lol. I'd rather have a wicked looking film than fill a folder which I care nothing about.
Getting a bit heavy up in here. Better lighten the mood.
What's white and can't climb trees?...A fridge
What's white and blue and can't climb trees?...A fridge in a denim jacket
There. All better? Good. See y'as next time.
Monday, 10 May 2010
reCAP in your ass!
Anyway we ran through the shot list, hopefully for a final time. Since animation to spence is like garlic to a vampire we had to dish out his shots to make sure they get done. Since I just finished up 4 other shots and only have one more to do I jumped on two of those. One should be cakeage and the other is a bit harder but I can hopefully get it done.
My deadline is this weekend, meaning if I finish by like Saturday then I may have to jump on another shot afterwards, block it out maybe. We'll see where I'm at come Saturday.
If we're lucky then Ferhan might be able to get a friend of his to animate some shots for us, which shall lighten the load for all.
mo updates to come.
Shot 37: Close up on gun-CLICK-out of bullets
Shot 48: Ninja Details-Cracking Knuckles
(Ignore this, just a reminder for me)
Friday, 7 May 2010
Shoot off screen to reload
Little update over here. Just put the finishing touches on this other shot, finally! This isn't a great version to watch since it's pretty small and there are a bunch of little details which make this, like the gun cocking when he reloads or the secondary animation on the tie. It's still pretty ameteur stuff but it's better than what I usually put out in terms of actul animation so I'm a little proud.
If someone better than me went in and cleaned it up a little I reckon it would look pretty cool. In any case I'm kind of happy about it and I think I've improved a little. However I still have pretty much no interest in actually animating.
I wanna draw gawdamnit! I keep saying that but I havn't been drawing enough recently, I keep putting off finishing pictures and just doodling rather than drawing any keepers. When I'm not working on the project though I just wanna chill and play some games. While I enjoy drawing, it's still sort of work to me as I'm doing it to better myself and further my employability prospects. Can't wait to be done with this course so I can hit the sketchbook again.
Anyway, for now I have to play around with the Ninja rig and get down some short but sweet animations for that.
Monday, 3 May 2010
pop a cap
block-out of this next shot so far. Been having some troubles with it. Walking for one, made it a mid-shot to avoid focus on feet :P needed to keep it kind of slow because this part of the film is quite tense and the pace slows down a bit.
I havn't got any movement in the upper body really because I need to make him reload his gun, so I didn't want to wave his arms all about only to have to change it up afterwards. Him levelling the gun is just to test the angle, which I quite like so I'll probly leave it the same.
Finished this shot off on Saturday but I only uploaded it to the team-blog. Got a bit sidetracked since so I'm just uploading it here now. I think it turned out alright, for me anyway :)
Moved onto the next shot today.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
The beat goes on
So I asked for a few more shots and I was answered. Oh hell was I answered lol. I've taken on 2 of Stu's shots since he has a tonne of pretty challenging shots to get through. The two I got were probably some of the easier ones of his bunch but to me they are still pretty hardcore.
The first is shot 18, in which we see the Target in his chair taking a swig of beer while watching TV, It's going to run roughly 8-9 seconds. That's what it came to when I acted it out. Fortunately I was born to play the part of sitting on my arse swigging beer.
In any case I did a little block out above to get the timing down, plenty of details to add in but something I have trouble with is timing, in all walks of life as it happens not just animation. But I digress. Anyway I'm pretty pleased with the timing so far. List of details I want to get in there:
-The first 3 seconds where nothing is happening will be the Target drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair.
-Make him actually pick up the beer can lol, gotta figure out the constrain parent tool.
-Add a little glug at the end once he raises the beer up.
Aside from that the initial movement of him reaching for it and raising it up is good, at least I think so. Once I add the rest of the details in I shall upload it to the team blog for critique. that should be ready tomorrow. Then I can spend Saturday fixing that shizz before moving on to the next shot.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Roll on, Roll out
Just been tweaking another shot today, added some movement to the tie, jacket and legs of the Hitman in this shot. Also extended it a good second and a half so that those details can be seen better.
Waiting on the ninja rig now so that I can work on some little shots from the end of the film.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
About time for an update methinks. Rolled into college yesterday where we went over some stuff related to the animation. Our self imposed deadline is in 3 weeks for the majority of the animation to get done leaving us about 2 weeks for rendering/after effects etc.
Stu has got a tough time of it since he has the most shots, Dan has quite a lot to do as well on top of sorting stuff for the degree show. I don't envy him. I'm not built for multi-management like him. We discussed maybe breaking up a few shots from Stu's workload among the rest of us if he won't finish. We're gonna explore that possibility on Friday. I'd rather not take on any more animation, since everytime I touch animation my skin starts to sizzle like a Vampire stepping in to the daylight lol, but of course I will if that's what it comes to.
In any case it's doable and it will get done, Dan's a bloody soldier so he'd probly finish the film himself if the rest of us where taken out of commision. Hopefully it won't come to that though (touch wood).
So far today I've been tweaking one of my shots to make it a lot more suitable for our final film. Dan gave me some handy critique yesterday so I've tried to sort out some of the issues he pointed out. Posted it over at the team blog for some critique and once I get that I shall go back on it and tweak it again! In the mean time I'm going to go back on the other shot I've produced for the final film and make some tweaks on that. This way I can have something on the go everytime I'm waiting for critique on something else. :)
On a lesser note I had a brief chinwag with Double D about my folders for final hand in, so I'm probably gonna start organising stuff for that over the next few days so I'm not rushing it at the last minute. My artist folder is pretty much full with all the concept/storyboards from the first term and my character models from Term 2. Technical folder is looking alright now since I UV'd the whole environment and everything in it (outside that is) While it's not all getting textured I still did it lol so in the folder it goes. Might jump on a bit of composoting too once we are rendering stuff. Animation is of course going to be my weakest folder but I've got a couple of tests and of course 4 final shots to slip in there so it at least shows I had a crack at it despite my aversion to it.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Assembly line
Scope attachment as it stands. I had a zillion problems with this one and I'm still trying to overcome one.
After he clicks it on he's sposed to slide it back into place but because the wrist is an IK or whatever and at a weird angle when i move it back it slightly rotates as well, hence, so does the scope. So I've been trying to position the wrist and rotation so that there is no noticeable deformation, no luck yet but I'll have another play around with it tomorrow though.
I know Dan needs these two shots for tomorrow so this is what he's getting if I can't sort the slide out tomorrow morning. Of couse I should be able to sort it by final deadline but for the purposes of the teaser this is where it stands.
Another weird thing is that the pinky finger resets back to some fubar position everytime I open the file, I can easily solve it by keying it at a certain frame where it should be, but stange none the less.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Click Click Boom
Barrel attachment as it stands. I tried to move the fingers a bit more but the problem I had before with keying them still stands. It seems to only affect the fingers though.
It was initially quicker than this because i figured he's a pro it's gonna be like CLICK! CLACK! BLAU! but it was just too fast since it's such a short shot so I slowed it down a bit. Speed can be messed with in after effects I guess.
It ain't perfect but it does what it's sposed to.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Yay problems.

So here for an example I have keyed the thumb up at frame 14.

Then I key it down at frame 24 or 23 I can't see the thumbnail is too small :P Anyway it's keyed there and there is no other movement at this stage.

Now when I go back to frame 14 the thumb is keyed in the same position as I moved it to in frame 24? I seem to remember having this problem before but I forgot what the problem was.
Anyway it's just one of multiple stupid problems I've encountered trying to do what should be a relatively easy shot. In any case I'm off to google why this is happening. If anyone reads this and knows why it's going down leave a quick message. I probably just have something toggled which shouldn't be.
I just wanna go back to bed, I wonder if chicken soup actually does help you when your ill? Well at least I can pour it over my computer if maya keeps being a nuisance.
Testing 1-2
This was the first test I did for the rifle attachment, I forgot to upload it the other day. Meh. The principles are right but I can't get a convincing feel to the way he sort of wriggles it into place.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Game Plan
With the UVs finally behind me I can move on to something else. Unfortunately that something else happens to be animation *shudder*, still I only have a few shots to do since it's far from my speciality and I gotta pad out them folders a little.
For now I'll be working on some tests and then getting my finished shots ready to be put into the film. I'm also on standby in case Sam is taking too long or just plain needs some help texturing the environment.
After that I guess composoting which will probably be a group effort, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
I will say that at the end I got pretty lazy and auto-mapped quite a few things. These were mostly parts that don't, to the best of my knowledge show up in any shots or if they do it is like one side of them or real far in the distance. i.e. the crane in the background.
Anyway all the buildings are mapped properly along with most of the smaller assets like gas pumps and such.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Touching Base

Monday, 5 April 2010

Busy weekend of Family related rambunctiousness but I managed to continue to chip away at the UVs. I got my ass-kicked by Kick-Ass on Saturday evening, it was surprisingly entertaining so much so that I may have to invest in the comic. It was on my list anyway.
Back to business though, today I've been trying to concentrate on the smaller assets that litter the environment such as doors, brickwork, dumpsters and boarding etc...Bloody Hell. Quite a few things, a lot of it is duplicating one UV'd object though. It just takes time to make sure everything goes exactly where it's meant to. Incredibly monotonous though.
So far I've done all the brickwork and boarded up windows and I'm trying to get those balconies out of the way next.
Increase the Peace.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Arrows in my sleep...

Keep on truckin!
Release me from this mortal coil!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010

First off here is a building with the basic texture applied and as you can see it uhhh...well it's stretched something awful.

So BAM! we select the front or side face and use a Planar Map. I had actually been selecting the front and back or the left and right etc, to save time however this causes some problems a little later on. So I planar mapped the faces individually.

Then I lay them all out and re-scale them till all the faces match up a little better. you can line it up and leave it like this I think but after having a word with Spence we add one more step.

Finally I sew the necessary edges back together to make a net type thing. Having trouble sewing the top and bottom faces for some reason but I'm working around it. The bottom faces are not important anyway since they are never seen.
Anyway this is probably the most basic way to do this but I'm pretty sure we get graded on showing our workflow or understanding of the process or something.
Tired now. Nap time.
Monday, 29 March 2010
1: Continue with test animations, no specicfic deadline for that.
2: Unwrap the hell out of the UVs for the environment masterfile, 2 weeks deadline. But I'm aiming to finish before that. hopefully in a week but it's nice to have that extra week buffer.
I'm tagging on a number 3 for myself as well. If all the UVs get sorted faster than expected then provided Sam can walk me through it I will jump on and help to finish up whatever texturing is left.
For the here and now though Ima concentrate on those UVs!
Saturday, 27 March 2010
dynamic entry
Another animation update, This is only like half done. I want to have the guy slowly rise up from the crouching position and start to move away from the camera.
Just to show I'm working :P
Friday, 26 March 2010
Last UV update...I hope

Went back to the UVs again to tidy it up a little more. I've done all I can now really. There is some stretching mainly around the legs but that was the cost for lining up the seem on the inside of the leg which is pretty much invisible as I showed in a screenshot in an earlier post. With the exception of around the knee area where it gets nasty. However he has no detail there.
That's pretty much how it's worked out, I've managed to link up the seems pretty good where it matters and the areas that give the most problems don't have any vital detail on them, which is good. The only bit I'm worried about is the neck and shoulder areas because I couldn't match them up with the parallel shells but again these bits lack any definition that should carry over so It shouldn;t be too hard to work around.
It ain't perfect but it should work. And I feel like a learnt something new so I can do better next time.
Bah let's get drunk.
Thursday, 25 March 2010
get crackin'
So yeah I've been attempting some `easy` shots. I decided to try some of the little bits that the Ninjas are gonna be doing at the end such as cracking the knuckles and neck, drawing swords etc.
Anyway heres an example of one I'm working on, crackin the knuckles. it kinda sucks but it's a start lol. Anyway I'll continue on with this malarky over the next few days.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Just so I can say I did

UVs are BS

Better update over here. So I had put by the last part of the Ninja UVs to start texturing the Hitman/ target because we need them more. However I don't really know how to texture, I took the UVs for the Hitman into Photoshop and coloured him up a little and played with some blinns and fast skin textures on the reflective bits of the model.
After that though I was kind of lost. As far as I know Dan has told Spence to give that a go instead, which makes me feel kinda shitty but we are workin to a deadline so I understand.
Anyway I went back on the UVs to tidy up the calf and hands which as it turns out turned out to be a LOT more work than I thought lol. Still, above is a screenie of the calf I did just to test out the lining up of the calf UV's. I meant to show where the seem is but the fact it's hard to see means I did my job I guess.
Anyway it took me about 3 and a half hours to line up the seem on that one leg, and as a trade off the squares on the texture itself are not as even as they were, however I read around and apparently having the seems lined up is more important than having all those squares lined up. Unless your using photorealistic textures. Which we arn't so it should be alright.
I tested this just to show that it is workable even if not perfect so that there won't be any problems when applying a texture.
So I guess I'll work on this more tomorrow and later, and then I can get some test animations done for next monday. Tight schedule but workable.
Now I'm off to help my old man move a cement mixer.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
UVing take 2

Just checking in, I got side tracked from doing the UVs before since we had to change some things up. I had to go back on a few of the models and make some changes. That set me back a day.
Anyway been back on this for the last 2 days and it's going ok so far, by no means am I finished but I at least have an idea of what I'm doing now. I'm currently manually unfolding all the shells since I get some funky deformation when I auto unfold.
The way it stands, it's gonna take a while but It's gonna get done.
I dunno how Spence does it so fast. he's like a...a UV Ninja or something.
Anyway it's all good in the hood.
Monday, 8 March 2010

UV's be a messy business. As you can see. I started trying to sort out the UV's on the Hitman, however immedietly ran into a spot of trouble as the tutorial is for perfectly symetrical geometry, however, the Hitman's head is not that, due to the hair.
I worked around that, kind of. Anyway I made a start but it's proving to be a right git so I'm going to tangle with the Ninja first since he is a simpler mesh. Once I've done that I will have another pop at the Hitman since I'll hopefully have a feel for it after doing it once before.
Back to work

I was testing this base skin texture that Lewis is using on Pirates. He was kind enough to show me how it works but I never had a chance to try it properly with the dissertation going on. Since that's all done now I had a pop at it.
This one looks `ok` but this is with a simple colour an occlusion and a directional light. It's got some potential because you can play around with the specular and all kinds of funky shit.
I also just put a blinn on the shades for the sake of this render but I actually think they look pretty good with just the blinn.
I will probably play around with the settings of it a bit later and see if I can get it looking tasty, but this may be the simplest way of getting a skin on these dudes.
Monday, 15 February 2010
The month in summary

I have not posted over here in quite a while, I have been posting but most of the activity is over on the group blog. More often than not I can't be bothered to repeat myself after posting over there so I guess I'll just sum up everything that's going down in a post here.
The last post I made was before I even started the head for the Hitman so as you can see in the screenshot from above and over at the group blog he was finished a little while ago.
Since then I have been working on my dissertation and doing some research into my next jobs for Whack'd.
I started researching blend shapes but put that on hold since Ferhan seems to be taking the lead on that, I may need to help him get some expressions sorted out but on the technical side he's got it covered.
We also need to start getting this texturing done and it falls to me to try and texture the characters I built, and since I don't know much about texturing I have been researching unwrapping UV's and simple texturing. I'm also planning to look a little at bump mapping but after talking to Sam about it I'm feeling sceptical.
Here are some links to fairly simple if not long winded tutorials I have found to help me out, with any luck I can crack on testing out the methods over the next couple of days and I'll have something more to show.
Friday, 15 January 2010
The Final Battle

Woah been a while since I posted on my individual blog. Once blogger gets through uploading images to the team blog I can never be bothered to repeat it over here. Hell I'm in a decent mood though so lets do this.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Memo for me, myself and I
-Hair (Finish it, add quiff)
-Face (Just one more general tidy up, Try and fix anything that doesn't look quite right, bits that are pinching)
-Put the head on his body
-Shirt (Crease as best I can in maya, overhang)
-If I really need to take it into zBrush and see what I can do (I don't want to though)
- One final check before I pass it on to Ferhan or Dan to rig and get started on the Hitman.
Saturday, 2 January 2010