Monday, 17 May 2010

Return to form

Ugh I can't even be bothered to type. I got dog stink all over me and I wanna go and wash it off.

I was away all weekend house sitting and looking after the dogs of some people while they were away which means I've been absent from blogging my usual amount since they don't have a wireless connection. Yadda Yadda, it was a hastle. However I did finish off two more shots since last I posted which brings me to the end of my animating career. Thank Christ. I think that was my last contracted task, so technically anything I do from here on is pro bono. Well actually it's all been pro bono...I shouldn't have signed that contract.

Still I wanna see this flipping film finished so from here on out I'm going to be setting up renders I think. I don't know how to sort out vanguard but I'll whizz in to college tomorrow to find the answer and thus will begin the tedium. I'm kind of in the mood for some monotonous work though. Just clicking a bunch of crap, not sketching something or getting the timing right on some animation.

On another note I got my bill for my studies at Ravensbourne over the weekend reminding me that I am 14 grand in debt, Huraay! In spite of that, I actually can't wait to be done with this course and education as a whole. It's sort of scary that I'm going to have to go and get a job but at the same time I just want to move on, regardless of what I end up doing I need a new chapter. I can't wait to see the back of Ravensbourne and I mean that in the nicest way possible :P

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