Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Trying to remember to update stuff here since I get graded on it. Might have to do a big huge re-cap post to make sure that I cover everything I did. I forget if I posted everything I did or not. It seems trivial to have to prove what is already proven. hopefully the examiners will check our team blog because we've all been mega active on that. clocked over 500 posts I think lol.

Anyway, the above playblast is a shot I did yesterday. One of Spence's that I picked up. Turned out ok, just a quick close up. I already put it on the team blog but I figured I'd stick it up here as well. I have since moved on to the next shot on my list.

So far it's going a bit shit. Having some trouble with it but I shall perservere. Considering I initially wanted as little animation as possible I seem to have taken on quite a bit :/ them's the breaks I suppose. It fills my folders which is good, but at the same time I can't help but think that our film will suffer for having my pooptastic animation all over it lol. I'd rather have a wicked looking film than fill a folder which I care nothing about.

Getting a bit heavy up in here. Better lighten the mood.

What's white and can't climb trees?...A fridge

What's white and blue and can't climb trees?...A fridge in a denim jacket

There. All better? Good. See y'as next time.

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