So here for an example I have keyed the thumb up at frame 14.

Then I key it down at frame 24 or 23 I can't see the thumbnail is too small :P Anyway it's keyed there and there is no other movement at this stage.

Now when I go back to frame 14 the thumb is keyed in the same position as I moved it to in frame 24? I seem to remember having this problem before but I forgot what the problem was.
Anyway it's just one of multiple stupid problems I've encountered trying to do what should be a relatively easy shot. In any case I'm off to google why this is happening. If anyone reads this and knows why it's going down leave a quick message. I probably just have something toggled which shouldn't be.
I just wanna go back to bed, I wonder if chicken soup actually does help you when your ill? Well at least I can pour it over my computer if maya keeps being a nuisance.
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