Here we are again, Sean "cheeks" Galloway. At one point or another you've probably seen me reference this guy but here he is again simply because he has been one of the biggest influences on my work of late. Like Timm he's a cartoonist/ comic artist and has designed characters for a couple of animated series such as the Spectacular Spiderman cartoon and Hellboy animated.
Like Bruce Timm I admire his very simple but well drafted line work. I always used to add too much detail into my sketches untill I lost the origional image however these guys showed me that a character drawing doesn't have to be super complex to look good. (Damn good)
I love looking at his stuff because it gives me something to work towards but it also makes me cry myself to sleep thinking I'll probably never get there. Still I can chase him all the way and hopefully pick up some neat tricks along the way.
On top of his line work however his colouring style is something that not only influences my own art style but is something I think we should consider for our final film. Very muted colours and simple shading. Despite our film being in 3D I think keeping a look similar to the initial concepts would make an interesting looking film.
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