Back to Bruce Timm's Batman. I wanted to show the intro to the animated series since it's got more great creative stuff that I think we should look at.
Firstly yeah it's waaaaay to dark for what we are going for but I'm looking at it in different ways. First off the architecture in this is all out of whack, but in a good way sharp and shapely to accentuate the dark feel of the piece, we've already looked at disfigured shapes for our film but there's always room for more reference. the environment is just as important for portraying the mood of our film as the characters. It's all part of the mis-en-scene as Kieron would say.
What else, ah yes the music...well I should just let it speak for itself as it's so kick ass. The composer Shirley Walker won awards for this I think, or at least was nominated for them. Basically our film has no dialogue so we need music and or sound effects to fill that silence and this is a gret example of how sound can compliment and build upon the imagery of a piece. Gah all the rising and dipping bits in that piece when the batarangs hit the goons guns and then Bats dives onto the guy. It's great stuff. In any case it's not something we want to underestimate.
Once we have a final animatic we can probably get some sound design or people who study music to look at it and give it a go since I think having some real instrumentals involved would really do us some good.