Friday, 11 December 2009


Cheeky update to show how things are progressing. Been making loads of subtle tweaks over the last two days, most of which are hard to see but they were bugging me when I zoomed in close on maya. So I'm going to show where I stand and give out some criticl analysis.
-Pretty happy with the legs, I like the angles, gives it a bit of style and it looks like my drawing. Won't likely tweak that much more.
-Torso is looking pretty good as well, it gets a bit messy when it hooks up with the shoulder blade but with any luck I can pick up the slack in zBrush.
-I'm not happy with the arms yet, they are the right shape but they don't carry the same style of the legs so I need to work some more on that.
-Now the head, this has been the most annoying part. Having some trouble with the eyes but I'll get there eventually. I have given him a jutting out lip but he isn't going to be speaking so I didn't spend long on this. I decided to leave him without a nose as well since...well it looks kinda funny without it.
Basically I need to finish these bits, add in the belt/sash and the boots, these are so tight to the skin in my drawing though so I might try a test of texturing them straight on to the body. After all of that I guess I can finally try and learn some zBrush and do a basic clean up, and try to put in some definition that's too hard to do in maya.
Oh! And the hands, I need to sort those bastards out...
Ah being a perfectionist is a bitter curse.

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